First Friday Find: Lost Socks

You got it!  This month’s First Friday Find is about finding my lost socks.  And, hopefully, your lost socks too!

I am neither artistic nor crafty, so the fact that I did something like this is shocking.  I originally came across this idea while perusing the glorious world of Pinterest.  It was on a blog called Stories by Me and the woman was posting it as a mod podge project.  I did not complete this project doing mod podge, as that sounds too complicated for me.  I simply bought the wood piece, three satin acrylic paint colors, and clothespins from Michael’s to make the project pictured above.  I already had glue and a picture hook available at home.

Painting the wood was so much fun!  Why is painting so pleasant?  I don’t want to paint pictures.  I don’t want to paint walls.  But painting a simple item was somehow therapeutic.  It gave me the same satisfaction that coloring or putting together a puzzle often gives me.  Is it the mindless focus on a project that produces rapid results?  Who knows?  But it sure was enjoyable!

Putting the project to use was the best part!  I was actually excited to do my wash the day I hung it up to see what socks would find their “sole mates.”  Two of the socks found their match and I got oddly giddy.

May you find the same joy that I did in creating this super easy and fun project in an effort to get a handle on all of your rogue socks.

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